We're excited to launch our 8oz Cup Design Contest! We're finally launching a "small" cup after 5-years of people asking for one (sorry it took so long). We figured it would be fun to run a design contest to make this cup look special. The details:
- Open to anyone in the world, 1-entry per person
- Submit your entry in high-resolution image format to martin@beachcombercoffee.com
- The design can wrap around the entire cup OR be a simple design
- 1-2 colours preferred but could be more than that
- Entries will go to a social media elimination vote, please note, not all submissions will make it to the Top 3
- The winning design gets $500, an artist feature on our website/social media, and perpetual bragging rights of having their design on thousands of cups per year
- Beachcomber may make final alterations to the design to accommodate cup production
Our goal is to pick a winner by March 15th. If you'd like to receive the design template file (not mandatory for entries) please reach out via email.
Good luck!