Monthly Community Contribution

Sep 29, 2019Beachcomber Coffee
Monthly Community Contribution

When we launched our first retail location in 2018 we had many people come in thinking we were from Vancouver but in fact, we grew up on the Sunshine Coast, graduated from Gibsons Elementary, graduated from Elphinstone Secondary, and currently live and raise our family in Gibsons. We started the #SupportCoastal movement as we love our community and want to make a continuous positive impact to our hometown and the surrounding communities. We get asked multiple times a week for donations or sponsorship opportunities and it’s impossible to say yes to everyone. Therefore, starting September 1 onward, we’ll be allocating a percentage of revenue per drip coffee sold and putting it into a pool to donate to a local organization/cause/initiative on a monthly basis. That means, every time you buy a drip coffee at any Beachcomber location, you’re investing back into our community. If you know someone or an organization that would like to participate, please have them email us at

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